Having a scan or health check in Chiang Mai is a good idea; it can give you peace of mind regarding health threats. A complete health check can seem like an unnecessary luxury but here in Thailand it is affordable. For less than 3,000 Baht (US$100) you can have a thorough check and pick up any abnormalities early on. Life-threatening conditions can easily be missed without having a check-up and you may not know you are sick until the symptoms hit; by then it may be too late.
Those over the age of 50 should have regular health checks and there are specific checks you should be making depending on your gender. Men should have regular check-ups of their prostate gland, while women aged 40 and up should undergo regular mammogram examinations to check for breast cancer. These can all be done in Chiang Mai, taking just a few hours out of your holiday schedule, and the results taken home to your GP.
A basic health check in Chiang Mai may include a physical examination and consultation, a complete blood count, chest x-ray, test for diabetes, kidney function, and uric acid check, a lipid profile for cholesterol, liver function, and a urine examination. In fact several of the hospitals here offer a complete package specially assembled for this purpose, and catering to foreigners, with English speaking staff.
Depending on your age and lifestyle habits, additional checks can be made, and all are done using modern, universally accepted methods. Comprehensive health checks in Chiang Mai may also include an ultra-sound of the abdomen, electrocardiogram, intense liver functioning, exercise stress tests, liver cancer, and prostate cancer for men and hepatitis B checks.
A cardiac stress test is especially good for those over the age of 50 years who think they may be at risk of a heart attack due to high blood pressure, stress or obesity. Tests measure blood flow through the heart during rest and when undergoing exercise.
Magnetic resonance imagery (MRI) scans can also be performed at certain hospitals in Chiang Mai, allowing doctors to see into your body without the need to make incisions. MRIs are a lot safer than x-rays.
Chiang Mai Ram Hospital is the best organised hospital in Chiang Mai for health check-ups, and although it also happens to be the most expensive, it is markedly less so than health check-ups in Phuket and Bangkok. Prices range from 500 Baht for a basic check-up, up to several thousand for an all-encompassing physical examination and blood lab tests.
Lanna Hospital is also good for health check-ups in Chiang Mai, and less expensive than Chiang Mai Ram I for those with smaller budgets. It’s a government hospital, but well run, clean and modern, without any long waiting times. It’s a little further out of town but known by all taxi drivers.
Having health checks in Chiang Mai can be a gratifying experience as you are treated with the utmost care and hospitality, plus you are dealt with efficiently. The doctors and nurses are caring and professional and have all the latest equipment at their disposal. The results of your health check will be checked over and you will then be able to discuss possible lifestyle changes.
It is recommended that you have a health check-up every three years if you are under 40 years of age; every two years between the ages of 40 and 50 years; and every year after the age of 50.
Further reading…
- Hospitals in Chiang Mai
- Dentists and dental services in Chiang Mai
- Cosmetic surgery in Chiang Mai
- Health checks in Bangkok