Day Trip To Mountain Float


In the Sri Lanna National Park you will find Mae Ngat Dam and Reservoir, one of Chiang Mai’s hidden gems. It’s about an hour outside of the city, so it’s perfect for a day trip. Longboats are available for hire at the entrance to take you to the houseboats and the trip takes about 15 minutes.

There are several houseboats available for rent either for the day or to stay overnight. Just like Mountain Float. The accommodations are usually basic in most of them. But I believe mountain float took it up a notch. I would say this one of the more luxurious boat houses to stay at. There is a restaurant where you can order food, drinks, beer and if you want they also have wine. When you book your room the kayaks, paddle boards and anything around is free for you to use.

I didn’t really know what to expect getting there but it has quickly become one of my favorite spots. Hanging out by water, taking in the beautiful scenery. You feel the rooms sway gently back and forth, which was very soothing. It’s such a great place to come relax and unwind.

A lot of tourist still don’t know about this place but each year it’s gaining in popularity. Some have recommended to go during the weekday just because it so busy on the weekends with the locals.

For more information on booking a boathouse contact:

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